BPMN is simply known as Business Process Model and Notation. BPMN is flow chart based notation for defining Business Processes. In another word, Business Process Model and Notation is a graphical representation of any specific business processes in a business process model. Before understanding what whole BPMN is, it is necessary to understand what Process is?

Process Modeling:
Process Modeling is the steps capturing of an ordered sequence of business activities and supporting information. Business processes describe how a business pursues its objectives. There are different levels of process modeling;
          Process Maps: Simple flow charts of the activities.
Process Descriptions:  General flow charts extended with additional information, but not enough to fully define actual performance.
Process Models: Flow charts extended with enough information so that the process can be analyzed, simulated, and/or executed.

History of BPMN
Business Process management Institute (BPMI) now which is a part of OMG (Object Management Group) develops BPML. BPML is an XML process execution language. BPML was later replaced by BPEL as the target execution language. Finally they realize the need of graphical presentation and BPMN was developed. August, 2001 the Notation Working Group is formed. The group was composed of 35 companies, organizations, or individuals. The first version of BPMN was released on May, 2004 for public, and then onward OMG has been involved in the regular change and version control. February, 2006, BPMN 1.0 was adopted as an OMG standard, currently; there are 39 companies that have implementation of BPMN.

Understanding BPMN

Source of diagram OMG
Example of BPMN

Source of diagram Wikipedia